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This land is All land

Project - Protect HONOR and Preserve I do this for my family.

When I was young, I saw how much emphasis was put on nice things, cars, jewelry, designer brands extra.

Not always having enough for McDonald's when we were kids some how put a stress on money for me or what it meant or what mattered most. When I was seventeen I was kicked out due to not conforming to a religion I didn't fully agree with. By that time my moms roommate was moving to another city, and we didn't really have a place of our own to go to. I stayed with friends and a boy I was dating at the time, and random hotels. My uncle came and picked me up and told me he never wanted me to feel like I didn't have a place to go. It felt good to know that I had that shelter a sense of security. Over time all our cousins split, one got married, the other went to Berkeley, and I stayed in the desert, overtime my uncle and aunt lost everything due to there addictions. I found them through the street life project. I would pray for them, I would pray to find them, I would pray for there healing and there well-being. How differently people treat and look at you when you lose everything, how quickly people walk passed without knowing the full story. Granted, we all share some sort of pain in this we can count our blessings or our heartaches. Yes, it's true but if it didn't take time to heal there wouldn't be a business in it. I guess the shelters or the storms that pass are a sense of community in its own, we all want someone we can rely on, we all take form here building, passing, aging, giving, receiving, energy exchanging. In a sense all walking our paths for different senses of the word "journey" what does that mean to us as a whole, sometimes I wonder.

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